The word endoculturation comes from the Greek that means within and that comes from the Latin, culture. Its lexical component is the suffix "tion", which means action and effect. It is a process by which ancient generations are responsible for transmitting their way of thinking, acting, thoughts, customs and knowledge to generations that are beginning to form or that are young. It is the cultural transfer that goes from one generation to another, from generation to generation, based largely on the control that older generations can exert over others to give prizes or punishments to children. Each of these generations has been programmed to copy the behavior that best characterizes them, but also to give rewards to the behaviors that follow their line.
Endoculturation is the process by which the old generations that have inhabited the world are responsible for transmitting the way they have thought, acted, their ideas and customs, rules and knowledge to younger generations to follow their example, giving them a prize each time they do so.
The word endoculturation comes from the Greek “endo” which means within, from the Latin culture and uses the Latin suffix “ction”, which refers to action and effect. Endoculturation is the process by which a group of people gradually acquire the knowledge of the town, the wisdom that older people possess.
Endoculturation is a process or mechanism through which people from the beginning of their lives internalize the models of behavior they have acquired by a group, and this acquisition of knowledge has been conscious or unconscious. It is a learning experience through which the older generation induces and demands the younger generations to adopt the ways of thinking that they have and the traditions that are already established on their behalf. Endoculturation means teaching culture to new members of society who do not yet have previous knowledge of culture. It is at the end, a term used to represent the process by which culture is born whether social, political, commercial or basic in a human being. It is a process of being able to establish a certain culture in a person who does not have some kind of previous orientation always based on the home and the values, duties and obligations.
Conflicts may occur because the party receiving the information may feel that things or thoughts are imposed on him with which he does not agree.
The situation can arise in which young people want to move away from their culture, mainly when we refer to the religious part, so they want to become independent and leave at the end their countries of origin to act from that moment onwards according to their own instincts.
An example of endoculturation will be the one that is given in some cultures of Asian countries, these children were taught to speak in two languages or eat in a specific and different way from the rest. There are many examples that can speak to us of endoculturation, but one easy to mention and to remember is that of American conquest. When this conquest took place, there was a cultural clash between the Spaniards and all the American Indian cultures, which were forced to change after the invasion. Although in this case, those who were acculturated are the American peoples, the Europeans also incorporated American customs, such as smoking, or the consumption of certain foods (corn, potato, tomato, cocoa, etc.).
Briceño V., Gabriela. (2019). Endoculturation. Recovered on 3 January, 2025, de Euston96: