Of the three government bodies, the most important place belongs to the legislative branch. The function of government begins with the drafting of laws and is followed by enforcement and adjudication functions and its application. As such, this power is considered to be the first organ of government.
It is the part of the government that is in charge of creating, developing and modifying the laws of a country. It also regulates the rights and responsibilities that citizens have, which have been established by means of the Constitution.
Legislative branch is the part of government that is responsible for establishing the laws that govern a territory. Legislative branch is the organ that approves the government’s laws, the one that has the responsibility to formulate the will of the state and to grant it authority and legal force. In simple words, it is that government body that makes laws and enjoys a very special and important work in all democratic states. It is the assembly of representatives elected by the people and represents national public opinion and the power of the people.
The main features of legislative branch are as follows:
The main functions of the legislative branch are as follows:
The legislative branch is represented by deputies or senators, who in turn, represent the people who chose them by free and secret ballot.
Some of the powers that legislative branch has are:
One of the main antecedents of the legislative branch is the Magna Carta of 1215 that was signed by King John I, and it is the closest thing that exists to the current Political Constitution, in it, is the antecedent of the current democratic system and the limitation of powers due to their separation.
The second antecedent of importance is the publication of “The Spirit of the laws“, which was published in France in 1747, and where it was developed by Montesquieu, the separation of powers of the state to control each other and stop the abuses that occurred at the time.
With the disappearance of the Roman Empire there was a political dispersion of power and the Church was responsible for legitimizing power in the Middle Ages with the consecration of the kings. In the Middle Ages there existed the ecclesiastical councils that were the origin of the medieval representative assemblies, and that gave origin to the representative state bodies and parliamentarians in Europe.
Throughout history, there were changes that created Greek democracies such as the Athenaeum and at the time of the Roman Republic originated the Senate. The Chambers of Lords and Communes in England in the 14th century are considered to be the first legislative branches in history. The division of powers, i.e. the legislature itself as the power of the State, arose during the American Revolution and the French Revolution, based on Montesquieu’s democratic ideas.
The importance lies in the fact that it is the power responsible for the creation of laws, that is to say, their discussion and approval. The importance also lies in the fact that it is a power composed of the representatives of the people who have been elected by popular vote. In addition to belonging to different political parties in the treatment of bills are created debates and exchanges of ideas according to different ideologies ensuring the welfare of the population.
Briceño V., Gabriela. (2019). Legislative branch. Recovered on 3 January, 2025, de Euston96: https://www.euston96.com/en/legislative-branch/