Nordic mythology is an incredibly rich and profound centuries-old tradition, full of fantastic stories and poems from the Nordic culture of Scandinavia and Germanic countries. Nordic mythology, also known as Germanic mythology, is not only a myth, it is a religion and was practiced by the Vikings who lived in the Scandinavian countries during the Viking era, but it was also practiced by Germans. In the last decades, the sagas of Nordic mythology and Viking culture have spread throughout the world very quickly and many people have been inspired by it by the end of the 20th century, references to Nordic mythology have become more common in literature and films such as Lord of the Ring, The 13th Warrior and in series such as The Vikings.
Germanic, Scandinavian or Nordic mythology encompasses a series of beliefs regarding religion and legends that originated and developed in the Scandinavian Germanic peoples, which was transmitted orally as poetry.
The main sources of information about Nordic mythology are the Edda’s, the Edda major and the Edda minor. The Edda major, the oldest of all, is a collection of important poems without an author. The poems are written in Icelandic and can be divided into two important groups: the mythical poems referring to creation and the end of the world, and the poems of heroes, which speak of Odin and Thor. The Edda minor is also known as Snorre Sturluson, who wrote it and is a poetic manual for the skalds. It is formed by three different parts that are: Gylfaginning which is a description of mythology, of the gods and their lives. The purpose of telling the myths was to give the scalds the basis of his poetry. Skáldskaparmál is a presentation of the language of scalds, with poems of scalds called and anonymous. The Hattal or meters had a poem of 102 stanzas, each with its own peculiarity metric or linguistic, thus showing the rules of poetic language.
Some of its main symbols are:
Thor went to Elivagar River to look for a cauldron advised by Tyr. Together, they traveled to Hymers’s palace, where Tyr met his grandmother and his mother who offered them drinks and hid them while Hymers returned. When Hymers found out, he prepared a meal for them. The next day he enlisted a boat to go fishing and Thor wanted to go with him. After a while of rowing, Thor managed to deceive the enormous snake in an epic fight.
Tell the story of Fenrir, Loki’s son, captured in Aesir. Through a commission from the god Thor, the dwarves created the Gleipnir rope, which was unbreakable.
It is an anonymous Anglo-Saxon epic inspired by a Danish legend. It is related to many of the mythological songs and sagas. It narrates the adventures of the hero named Beowulf, as well as the poem, and his battles against several demonic beasts. It is divided into three main parts, according to the monsters that Beowulf fights: Grendel, Grendel’s mother in the lake, and the dragon.
Some films that have been made about Nordic mythology are the following
Briceño V., Gabriela. (2019). Nordic mythology. Recovered on 3 January, 2025, de Euston96: