The word polysyndeton, in rhetoric, is used to refer to a literary figure that consists of the repeated use of a conjunction in order to give greater expressive force to a text. This specific rhetorical figure is characterized by the fact that it can use more conjunctions than those normally used in discourse.
The polysyndeton is a rhetorical figure that consists of the repetition of the same conjunction within a sentence to achieve greater strength to the expression, especially if what joins are total or partial synonyms, becoming a pleonasm.
It is important to remember that conjunctions are words used to link words, syntagma, or propositions in an enumeration. They are then, examples of conjunctions and, neither, well, that, but, if not, because, among others. In common language, conjunctions are mainly used to link the last two elements.
The word polysyndeton is a term that comes from the Latin polysyndeton, which in turn comes from the Greek πολυσύνδετον (polysýndeton).
The most important characteristics of the polysyndeton are the following:
The uses given to the polysyndeton are the following: It is used to link propositions or terms through a higher number of conjunctions than would normally be correct.
The polysyndeton can also be used in very specific cases, this is because its structure can be a little uncomfortable, for example, when the author of poetry wants to give more value to his text or when he wants to highlight a specific emotion or thought. It is commonly used in the lyrics of songs we hear today to emphasize a feeling.
We can then say that the polysyndeton has the function of reducing the rhythm in order to emphasize the words that have been exposed and to provide greater intensity to the expression. It can also produce very varied effects such as sensations of solemnity, calmness, gravity or overflowing feelings among others.
Some examples that illustrate the polysyndeton are the following
Briceño V., Gabriela. (2019). Polysyndeton. Recovered on 3 January, 2025, de Euston96: