In the area of quantum physics, energy without zero point form is considered the starting point of the energy continuum, and the first energy formed that emerges is known as tachyon and is basically used to describe a type of energy. The name tachyon is a word that comes from the Greek language "tachys", which means fast. It was coined by Gerald Feinberg of Columbia University. Tachyons have never been found in experiments as real particles traveling through vacuum, but we predict theoretically that tachyons like objects exist as quasi-particles that travel at speeds faster than light and move through laser-like media.
Tachyons are particles that have the ability to move at speeds that are even faster than light and have the ability to travel or move back in time, although they are imaginary particles.
We give the name tachyons to those particles that have the ability to move using a greater speed or higher than light speed in space. Although countless experiments have been carried out by scientists, still, to date, no tachyon has been found, generating a series of doubts regarding its possible existence. If we see it from the point of view of Einstein’s Relativity Theory, a tachyon, if it existed, would be a particle that would have a very special four-momentum. If the energy and the tachyon moment are real, then its mass at conventional rest would be an imaginary number.
In the well-known quantum field theory, a tachyon is the quantum of a field, usually a scalar field that has a negative square mass. The existence of this particle reflects the instability that can be found in the space-time vacuum, because the energy of the vacuum has a maximum instead of a minimum. An impulse of small size could provoke a decadence of exponential amplitudes that would induce at the same time a condensation of tachyons.
The main characteristics of tachyons are as follows:
Information regarding tachyonic energy has been recorded for approximately 7,000 years and over time, many scientists have devoted themselves to studying it as a life force that has the ability to flow through the universe. Studies show that in India, from 5,000 B.C., this energy was known by the name of Prana, and was at that time considered the basic principle and source of life.
Ancient Indian texts, which were written 4,000 years ago, were already dedicated to the therapeutic use of vital energy. Since the year 3,000 B.C., in China there was already talk about the existence of Chi, or vital energy, as it is also known and for its culture, all the matter of the universe is constituted of this energy.
Even the Greeks called it Physis or Pneuma. Hermes, he called it subtle-vital energy Telesma. Plato spoke of Nous. The Sufi baptized her with the name of Barakah and according to them, energy was used to cure or prevent diseases.
Tachyons have been given many strange properties, especially by science fiction authors. They have been given many pseudoscientific properties but none of them have yet been proven.
It is believed that the importance of tachyon stands out for functioning as an exceptional balancing and energizing tool, and that it can also be used in conjunction with almost all other physical modalities. Tachyonic fields and tachyons play an important role in modern physics. The phenomenon of the spontaneous rupture of symmetry, which is closely linked to the condensation of tachyons, plays an important role in many aspects of theoretical physics, including the superconductivity theories of Ginzburg-Landau and BCS.
The presence of tachyons within popular culture is shown mainly in the field of science fiction, in which the use of tachyons has existed and has been masterfully maintained as an aspect related to the great question as to how one can become a time traveler and master of time.
Probably one of the most popular characters belonging to the American comic book company, DC Comics, the famous Flash, has its temporal counterpart in the 27th century, when John Fox, who was a scientist, accidentally discovers the extraordinary properties possessed by tachyons when he experiences through his own body the risks of his “Theory of Speed for Rest“, defying in an important way the laws of physics and using its hypervelocity to be able to make temporary trips, by means of space-time curvatures.
Briceño V., Gabriela. (2019). Tachyons. Recovered on 3 January, 2025, de Euston96: